3 undeniable skills for UX designers

User Experience is by far the best career choice I have made in my life. Sure, I am only 30 and sure, there is a big buzz around it, but is it all that bad? I mean, I see a lot of things around the digital product sphere that make me go meh(!) but there are some exceptional services out there. We could say that this could be the real web 2.0 huh?

With those thoughts in mind, I want to share a few skills that I like to use, and to me, is what makes my job enjoyable, and drives my motivation to get always better and learn more.

1. Using Whiteboards
Getting handy with your design thinking is a great asset. It is a far more interactive process than just sitting on your computer using a software. It is also a cheap solution; you need a whiteboard marker and maybe some sticky notes.

Whiteboards provide 3 great advantages in my opinion. First, you can see macro details, a specific piece of information at hand and expand its characteristics. Second, you can zoom out, take a few steps back and see the big picture of the whole process you are drawing. And third, you can involve your team as it can be a fun way to get the ideas flowing.

2. Matchmaking
Designers often head workshops. We test products with people. We get all the ideas around us from people. Interpersonal skills, empathy, leadership and business intelligence are skills that make us important members of every team.

Being a designer equals being a people’s person. Yes, I am not afraid to admit it! Being able to see the critical values of your team is invaluable and a rather acquired skill. The correct term here could be facilitation.

3. Documentation
Sometimes this is a dreaded tool. But for the love of whatever design god you are following, DOCUMENT your processes. I have learned this the hard way when I had to make my portfolio for the first times seriously. I have had projects that I did not have any evidence I have worked on them with any logical process in mind.

Nowadays, I design wireframes, I draw on whiteboards, I design on Sketch and I create lists of tasks to do. All of those things are documented, with pictures and words, written down in case studies or small articles. The value for my future projects and my own sanity, and the ability to revisit my steps, see my mistakes etc, are tools that I see as must-have.

We need to stop worrying about proving the value of design and just focus on outcomes that provide value.

— Denis Weil

Data-informed design in practice

We can all agree that by definition and principle -at least theoretically, design is about solving problems. Specifically, User Experience strives for that human touch in complex technological advances. It is the extra detail that makes a product a bit more fun for everyone, especially for the less savvy crowd.

There are many practices that can achieve a good user experience. Those practices differ based on the complexity of your project. As an example, for a personal website/portfolio you can use a very simple approach by asking Jane Doe what she wants to show and accomplish on her website. Then design something with up-to-date trends in mind and iterate to fine-tune her website to her liking. For a redesign of a SaaS platform, you might use field practices, by going to customers of that platform, listening to their frustrations, then redesigning some new solutions and observe on their reactions/feelings in the A/B testing process.

In this article we will strive to find a joint force of using data (online and offline), together with human input, user feedback, and designing for the user. Below are the two approaches we are going to be combining in a new super-approach with a simple outcome; Design with empathy kick-ass experiences.

Human-centered Design (or HCD)

HCD is a creative approach to problem solving popularised by the design firm IDEO. It is the empathetic approach to design; Brainstorming for the best solution, creating prototypes for the best experiences, testing the more sound ideas with the people you are designing for, and releasing an experience/solution to the world.

Data-driven Design

Data complements design

DDD is a systematic approach to the development and evolution of digital (and not only) services. As data becomes more accessible, decisions for design can be based on that data. To put it more simply; data complements design.

Quantitative Data-driven Design
– Who are the users?
– What are the user’s problems?
– When are the users most active or inactive?
– Where are the users currently using their solutions?

Qualitative Data-driven Design
– How do users behave?
– Why do they behave that way?

Fusing the elements

Human Input & Data Information transcend experiences.

I am going to refer to this immersive approach as a Data-informed User Experience. Let’s dig into the logical steps that we should take for a Data-Informed User Experience.

Forming a process
Take 1 minute to think of a specific website with a specific product to sell. While keeping this in mind we will continue into the process, and use the elements we have defined in a combination to think of how we could redesign the landing page.

For this we need data. The quantitative data we will use, is the bounce rate. For qualitative data we will ask how and why, and then we will brainstorm for better solutions with an A/B testing feedback loop.

The empirical data is a good base for drafting our new combined approach. We need analytics that tells us what happens when a user comes to this page directly. We also need analytics of what happens when a user comes to that page through other pages, and what happens after he takes an action.

– Does he come back after to check more?
– Does he come to the page only for freebies and not the product?
– Does he come by accident and takes no action?

Additionally we need qualitative data to our process. This process often gets frowned upon as some people cannot visualise observation as data, but it is a pretty crucial data process.

– How do the users get to this page?
– How do they use it?
– Why do some stay for more, and why do others leave right after they completed an action?
– Do returning users use the page differently than first timers?

After we have gathered this information, it is time to dive into practicing the second part of our new approach, and a bit more practical (maybe fun too!).

We have to create personas based on the analytics and observations we have done. For those we are going to brainstorm possible ways of answering the questions raised, and solving the problems that rose from those questions.

The best of those ideas will become prototypes for A/B testing, and in the end, after choosing the most logical designs, we are going back to users and test the new solutions.

After this, naturally there’s more qualitative data to be collected. More observational data and feedback from the users that helps us finalise our solution and put it finally out to the world (note: iterations are always part of the process even after ‘finalizing’ your design).

Key Findings

By combining the empathetic HCD approach with the structured DDD approach, we create a holistic design strategy that generates a fulfilling result.

We are designers. We are makers. We want to believe we are inventors. Most of all, we are people. Designing a great experience is all about that. Or as Christopher Murphy puts it:

The secret to success in our fast-paced industry is, I believe, straightforward: make things, share things and — last, but by no means least — be nice to people. That’s it, really.

Design Disruption
We are finally to a point where we can use data & design thinking. We can afford then to create solutions, that do not just look attractive. We can create solutions that help us understand user experience, product development, services & processes and of course most importantly; People. We are rather fueling our creativity through empowerment, empathy & innovation.

Finding the right balance between data, empathy & experimentation is the distilled result.

Design [that] matters
At the end it is all about meaningful experiences. Designing with people, for people is what makes what we are talking about worthwhile and it is a good reason to continue trying to make sense of it.


Why UX is becoming a thing

The web has evolved exponentially since the ugly pages of the 90s. A website at a time, companies and designers figured out that hey, I can do this differently. Let’s try. We did try a lot, we still do. UX has not come into any final stage. Nor will it ever. It is a craft that will keep evolving. And this is pretty damn awesome.

Users are becoming more intuitive.Internet has become part of our lives in such an extent, that one way or another, sometime somehow, you will have to use it at least once per day. Be it a transaction, seeking information, stalk your soulmate or just listen to music. And users are becoming more intuitive to it. Of course there are demographics of older people who are less competent than a today’s 20 year old, but even in those ages people are getting the hang of it.

As human beings we are always trying to recognise patterns. Our brains work just like that. So remember some people complaining that all websites now look the same? Well… is it too bad? Not for my uncle John Doe.

2 major disruptions

Mobile is the new norm
Okay so this premise is fairly simple. In my opinion mobile is one of the strongest factors of UX becoming a thing. In order to differentiate apps from a plain website, or to give to a user something more, designers really pushed the boundaries of UX in the field. And after a lot of research and thinking the UX of apps became sophisticated in a great level. Then it was only natural to try something that works on websites too.

Content is king
Before this bloated term drive you away give me one minute here to explain myself. UX is the simple and sophisticated representation of content. And content is on the basis of UX. This is a simple formula that leads us to a fine result. Great design is transparent.

A successful interaction leaves you with a great experience of a service, app or website. Your thoughts afterwards can be “wow, that was a great UX design right there”, but the immediate connections should always be the subject; the reason you are using this service, app, or website right now.

Human Computer Interaction is getting more intricate

A great website with one-page scroll storytelling. An app with beautiful microinteractions that gamify your experience. A minimal form that does not even require you to click. Gestures and hotkeys that boost your experience with a service.

UX is disruptive
Well not the craft itself, but people who dare. A quick example is how software slowly revolutionises the car industry. Tesla being a pioneer in that, we observe that there is still so much room for improvement. Data is penetrating every aspect of our lives, and so UX is needed to keep frustration away (or too close).

Data shows us the way
– 88% of consumers go away after a bad experience
– 9 out of 10 customers say personalisation has some impact on their purchasing decision
– 94% of first impressions are design related.
– Flash becomes obsolete (bye bye ugly banners)

Why is it a good thing?

Of course there are bad aspects to this popularity boost, however it is only natural to be part of a craft that is evolving. And with more people getting their mindset UX-wise, we expect to gain more educated knowledge on the craft. If you know what you are doing, you should be able to identify bad from good examples and filter your information flow.

  • Websites and apps that make sense.
  • More innovations in the field
  • Everyone is a designer (Digital Telepathy might be onto something around here)